Album Art In Music App Mac
Whether on your Mac or mobile device, listening to music has long been an essential feature on Apple devices. With the Apple Music subscription service, it’s easier to download and consume more media. From the cloud to your device, album artwork sometimes goes missing. When this occurs, there are a few tips you can try to get them back.
The Music app has replaced iTunes on the Mac! Find out how to use Music, how to buy tunes from the iTunes Store, how to import music from CD and other services, how to manage your music collection. Feb 23, 2016 A very simple software program called TuneUp works on both Mac and PC and can download missing album artwork for you. In one click it’ll identify.
- 1 Using iTunes on Mac
- 2 Using Apple Music
- 4 Odds and Ends
- Oct 10, 2019 When I updated my iMac to Catalina yesterday, I watched as the Music app slowly display album artwork. I have about 4,000 albums in my library – this is all local music, I don’t use Cloud Music Library on this Mac – and it took a couple of hours for the Music app to go through all the files and display the artwork.
- Apr 16, 2020 The inbuilt app “Music” app lets you change or add the album cover. Play the song and tap on the dotted menu. At the last, there is Edit Music Info. Tap on it and you are good to go. Apple users can also add to iTunes. So, in these ways, you can add album art to mp3 and along with melodious, make your music library beautiful and interactive.
Recommended Reading
Using iTunes on Mac
In this first step, you’ll learn how to reset album artwork for albums in iTunes.
- On Mac, open the iTunes app.
- Select the Library.
- Choose Albums on the left side of the screen.
Get Album Artwork

The first thing you can try to resolve your issue is to right-click on an album in iTunes that’s missing artwork and choosing Get Album Artwork. In the popup menu, confirm by selecting Get Album Artwork.
Repeat manually for every album in your collection that is missing artwork. This solution doesn’t always work, especially for singles and incomplete albums that you might have purchased years ago.
You can also select File > Library > Get Album Artwork if you’re missing a lot of artwork. This step also plays an important role below.
Start Playing a Song
Album artwork in iTunes often returns after you begin playing a song on an album where there is a problem. This solution usually works best for me.
Organize Library
Another option is to re-organize your iTunes library by selecting File > Library > Organize Library from the toolbar in iTunes.
Rebuild iTunes Music Library
Under this solution:
- Exit iTunes on your computer.
- Back up your iTunes Media folder on your computer. This folder can be found in Music on your home folder on Mac.
- Copy iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml.
- Delete the iTunes Library or iTunes Library.itl file.
- Launch iTunes and then choose File > Library > Import Playlist.
- Navigate to the iTunes Library.xml, click Choose.
- After a few minutes, your iTunes music library is now rebuilt.
Clear the Cache
On macOS, iTunes creates a cache folder that includes artwork. Deleting and replacing this folder is another possible solution to the problem of missing album artwork.
To clear the album artwork cache:
- Find the Music folder under Home on your Mac.
- Inside, click the iTunes folder.
- Next, choose the Album Artwork folder.
- Delete the Cache folder inside.
- Empty the Trash on your computer.
- Restart iTunes.
Note: Don’t delete any other folder inside the Album Artwork folder.
For Something Different
You can also manually add album artwork through iTunes on your computer.
- Search for the album on Google and download the appropriate artwork to your computer.
- In iTunes, right-click on the album.
- Select Album Info.
- Choose Album.
- Click Add Artwork.
- Import the artwork you downloaded from Google.
The artwork added will eventually make its way across all of your iCloud-enabled devices.
Regardless of the iTunes solution you choose, give it time. Each of the options mentioned above sometimes takes a few minutes to complete. You may also want to reboot your computer after trying any of the solutions; sometimes that little step does the trick.
Using Apple Music
Album artwork occasionally goes missing in Apple Music too. To resolve this, you can make some tweaks on your computer in iTunes or on your iPhone.
On Your Computer
- If you’re going this route, select File > Library > Get Album Artwork in iTunes as first mentioned above.
- Next, choose File > Library > Update iCloud Music Library.
- After the iCloud Music Library has been updated, open the Music app on your iOS device.
- If there are still songs or albums missing artwork, remove the downloads from your device.
- Next, tap the download icon to the right of the song (or album) to download the media again from the iCloud Music Library.
On Your Phone
Another option is to update the iCloud Music Library on your computer through iTunes and then:
- Go into the Settings app on your iPhone and tap Music.
- From there, turn off iCloud Music Library.
- Tap Turn Off to confirm.
After waiting a few seconds, turn on iCloud Music Library again, and:
Music Apps For Mac
- At the prompt, Merge your music.
- Go into the Music app and see if the issue has been resolved.
Another iPhone Solution
Often, the music on our iOS devices is a mix of iTunes titles and downloaded content from Apple Music. Can a mac be hacked. Because of this, the missing artwork might not be related to Apple Music at all. Regardless of the reason, you can also try deleting all of the music off of your iOS device and seeing if that helps resolves the issue.
Before doing so, however, be sure that you’re using iCloud for backup. Otherwise, depending on the type of music, your titles could be lost forever.
- On your iPhone, tap the Settings app.
- Tap General.
- Tap iPhone Storage.
- Under Recommendations, choose Edit above All Songs.
- Tap the red circle to the left of All Songs.
- Tap Delete.
The Music app is now free of content. You can download songs and albums again through Apple Music (or iTunes, when applicable). Check to see if the album covers have finally returned.
Odds and Ends
There are a few other things you can try to restore album covers in iTunes or Apple Music, including:
Stay Updated
First, be sure you’re using the newest version of macOS and iOS on your devices. On Mac, click on the Apple icon at the top right of your device. From there, select About This Mac. Click on the Software Update button and follow the directions if an update is available to download and install.
To update iOS, tap on the Settings app on your Home screen. Next, select General. From there, tap Software Update and follow the instructions.
Contact Apple
Google Play Music App Mac
Still having problems? You should contact Apple iTunes support, and hopefully, they can resolve your issue quickly.
As you can see, there are numerous ways to add missing artwork to your iTunes or Apple Music collection. Your best bet is to start on iTunes and trying some of the would-be solutions there first. If none of those solutions work, move onto our iPhone suggestions.
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How to make an album cover
Album Art In Music App Machine
Size it up
Since an album cover has square dimensions, choose the Adobe Spark template that is labeled 'Square' to ensure that your graphic has the proper sizing.
Express yourself with a theme
Scroll through the motifs on the right-hand side and choose one that closely aligns with your musical genre. Don't worry if it's not perfectly in sync with your image – you can customize it later on.
Brand it with an image
Want to put the face behind the music on your album cover? Upload your band photo and use it as your background, or use another image in the Adobe Spark library.
Enhance your message with a font
Not digging the typography that came with your chosen theme? Use the text function to change the font type to something that jives with your band name and album title.
Spread the musical love
Once you've perfected your cover art, download it so that you can use it in printouts, or share your image across your social media platforms as a teaser for your upcoming album release.